Burpham Community Association Advice Drop-In

Come along for a free coffee and friendly advice about planning or tree issues, anti-social behaviour and access to local councillors and specialists:

09.30am – 11.00am
Saturday 15th March
Barber & Brew coffee shop


We regularly review planning applications that affect Burpham and can give you some useful tips and a well-informed reaction to planning matters. Bring your questions or plans along if you wish.


Our tree specialist can give you advice about tackling unsafe trees, identifying tree diseases such as ash dieback, who ‘owns’ a tree and how to prune. Bring a photograph if possible.


Bring questions and issues for our borough and county councillors who can respond on matters about waste, roads, education, leisure and other council services.

If you come with a question, we will buy you a tea or coffee

To skip the queue, reserve a 10 minute slot by emailing secretary@burphamca.org.uk