Foodwise adapt to the needs of the community
Foodwise is a Christian based charity which addresses food poverty and supports local communities by running cooking courses for parents and provides the ingredients to allow those parents to feed themselves and their families. They also support children and families during school holidays by running fun days with activities and a hot meal free of charge.
During lockdown we have adapted to the needs of the community and turned our attention to cooking meals which we fast freeze and then deliver to families in need. We have partnered with local schools through the Home School Link Workers and we are supporting anyone who needs food, due to change of circumstances or the fact that they cannot get to shops or are shielding.
Currently Foodwise are operating out of Emmanuel Church in Stoughton, The Refresh Café in Queen Elizabeth Park and have partnered with a further operation in Guildford and one in Woking.
Every week we deliver twice to each family and we have a whole team of amazing volunteers who come each week to help us with packing and delivering. The meals make a huge difference to the families we give them to and we have had lovely notes and messages to thank us for the work we are doing. We could not do this without the continued support from everyone who has donated, and we are extremely grateful for your support and prayers.
Foodwise have also been able to run some online cooking courses. There are some simple, wholesome budget friendly meals on our website that you can cook along to from a YouTube channel and we are partnering with a local Mental Health charity to offer Zoom courses once a week where clients can cook along in their own homes.