Burpham Pages: A resource for the whole community
The aim of Burpham Pages has always been to be ‘community focussed’ and with the relaunch of the magazine and its website back in September 2018 (now having surpassed our 100th issue since 2006) we have tried to focus on even more facets of Burpham life, to be as useful as possible to the local community and immediate surrounding areas.
We’ve done this by concentrating on 4 specific sectors of the local community: residents, business, ‘community infrastructure’ and organisations & associations.
For residents we hope Burpham Pages informs and entertains around subjects that concern those living in the village. Whilst remaining politically neutral, providing some news on current issues in and around the area as well as high-lighting local affairs that might affect life locally, such as the roadworks on London Road or the ‘Local Plan’. We also hope that the magazine and the website are a useful resource for those looking for local trades and services via their ads or the online Business Directory or events happening in the area. Obviously, in each case we are reliant on those trades and services placing an ad or the organisers of the events informing us of their plans.
For local businesses the magazine offers an effective conduit by which they can advertise their services to the entire community (through the 3,200 copies we distribute every 2 months) and beyond (via the website). Community magazines have been proved to be one of the most effective mediums for advertising local trades and services as they offer credibility, a resource that is trusted and local people are supportive of local business. We are often asked to recommend local trades and whilst we can’t single out any particular advertiser, we can point enquirers towards the magazine or the online Business Directory (where locals can leave reviews, and we encourage them to, of suppliers that they have used).

‘Community infrastructure’, for us, incorporates Burpham Church, roads and public transport plus facilities to support walking and cycling, our flood defences, the local schools (Burpham Primary School and George Abbot School), medical facilities, sporting, recreation and leisure facilities (e.g. the varied sports clubs using Sutherland Memorial Park) and open spaces (e.g. Sutherland Memorial Park and the Riverside Nature Reserve). These are all an important part of Burpham life and we aim to give them a voice through the magazine and online wherever possible.
And finally, we also aim to highlight the work of the organisations and associations, for example the Burpham Community Association and the Neighbourhood Forum, who do so much to ensure that life in Burpham continues in a way that is beneficial and enjoyable by all that live here.
We do hope you enjoy Burpham Pages and find it useful. Please do engage with us, let us know what you see going on in Burpham, advertise your services and let us know about your events. We are all a part of this community; we all have something offer.