Burpham Tennis unite to stop GBC closing courts

On Tuesday 30th May, over 60 locals came down to Sutherland Memorial Park to play some tennis and show their support for the new Burpham Community Tennis initiative, supported by Burpham Community Hub.

Adult participants at the Burpham Tennis community event.

With a fantastically diverse range of players from 3yr olds having a go for the first time, up to very handy 70+yr old Burpham Tennis Club legends, fun coaching and matches were organised by local Tennis expert Matt Trevail, along with the assistance of Burpham Coach Ben Halstead.

Many Burpham residents were left in shock at Guildford Borough Councils’ recent communication to regular users at the Park that all courts would be closed from April-October going forwards and a £15k fence needed to be erected at the tax payers expense to segregate one tennis court from multi-use football pitches for summertime use only. All with zero consultation with local constituents!

The juniors having fun on the courts at Sutherland Memorial Park.

Complaints to the council have been all too often about the poor booking system and management structure for sports facilities in the area (leading to the unfortunate folding of Burpham Tennis Club during the pandemic), so Burpham Community Hub were keen to help FIGHT BACK!

Many Burpham residents were left in shock at Guildford Borough Councils recent communication to regular users at the Park that all courts would be closed from April-October going forwards…

Although they could not stop the council wasting so much money on a fence, they’re keen to show GBC that a local community group can easily get court use thriving again alongside the football, like it is around the country at present (Tennis in the UK has grown by over a million players in the last 3yrs!). With free community tennis initiatives and online booking systems like those successfully running in so many other Parks around the country with the support of the Lawn Tennis Association, lookout for Social Tennis, Junior Coaching, Cardio Tennis & more at Burpham Community Tennis

Big thanks to all those that came down to support the event, along with #BurphamWellbeing and #BigMouthGuildford for their online promo as well.

A new website, booking system and survey has been set up to gather information from anyone interested in tennis locally, simply head to: clubspark.lta.org.uk/BurphamCommunityTennis

As we head into Wimbledon season, the next event is hoping to go ahead during Burpham Wellfest on Sunday 9th July, so do come down for some free Coaching tips, a fun game or workout at your local Tennis facilities!