Community Update – September & October 2021
To get in touch with the BCA: Contact the secretary on call 01483 567791 or visit the website at
We represent the community of Burpham, Guildford
Wey Navigation Lengthsman
Back in the Middle Ages, a lengthsman was someone who kept a length of road tidy and passable. When the canal system was developed, a lengthsman was responsible for a length of canal, maintaining and repairing banks and tow paths, and also undertaking lock keeper’s duties.
The Stoke length of the Wey Navigation runs from Millmead Lock to Bowers Lock, and for the past 16 years has been looked after by Richard Cant who is now moving on to become a lecturer at Merrist Wood.
The BCA is very grateful for all that Richard has done to keep his ‘length’ in good order, and his willingness to help both the BCA and BNF when river issues have cropped up.
He has given an insight into his work in his ‘Richard’s Wey’ column in the Guildford Dragon – well worth a visit to the Dragon if you have never read them. A few years ago, the BCA organised some summer evening walks along the canal and round the Riverside Park; they were led by Richard who gave the walkers a real insight into the canal and wetlands habitat. He also kindly arranged for a boat for those unable to manage the complete walk.
We wish Richard and his family all the very best and thank him for all he has done for ‘our’ bit of the Wey Navigation.
Burpham Flood Forum
The Flood Forum will take place on Friday 24th September, at 1pm in the Village Hall.
Angela Richardson MP will chair the meeting which will include representatives from SCC, GBC, the Environment Agency, Thames Water and the National Trust. The meeting is open to the public, so if you would like to attend please let the Secretary know (contact details above).
At her request, Ms Richardson undertook a walkabout in July to see for herself the various issues raised in the Flood Action Plan – inadequate barriers behind the houses that back on to Merrow Lane, crumbling culverts, cameras that cannot be accessed, foliage maintenance issues and erosion of the watercourses, most evident along the Wey Navigation. The Action Plan is available on our website:
Burpham Neighbourhood Forum (BNF) Survey
The first survey was done in 2013, prior to the drawing up of the Burpham Neighbourhood Plan which was formally adopted by GBC in 2016.
Work has started on updating the Neighbourhood Plan and the BNF are conducting a second survey to find out the views and aspirations of all who live and work in Burpham. Ward. You will find a copy inside this magazine, or you can complete it online via the BNF website.
This is your chance to have some say in Burpham’s future – please use it.
A very important date for this year’s diary…
Saturday 11th December, 7.30pm in the Village Hall sees the return of the BCA Christmas Social! There will be a quiz and tombola plus drinks and nibbles and we hope many of you will join us.
…and some more dates for 2022
Sue Hackman and Andrew Plumridge are planning some more Friday evening Winter Lectures. Subjects include talks on marriage and sex in Mediaeval England, gargoyles, a minister on behind the scenes at Westminster, beloved and puzzling objects from the Museum (hands on) and with luck, a Formula One driver.
They hope to present these live in the Village Hall but this will depend on any future restrictions – they will be via Zoom if all else fails. The dates are 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th of January and the 4th February.
Help by joining the Burpham Community Association today!
Subscriptions are £8 per household or £4 per single occupancy and run from January to December. Join now or renew your membership for 2021.
You can pay by:
Direct Debit – visit our website at which has a link to this system – an email to giving your details would be helpful.
Account name: Burpham Community Association.
Sort Code: 40-22-26.
Account Number: 41049194
To help the Treasurer please identify yourself using initials, surname and the first line of your address.
Please contact Liz Turner, our Membership Secretary, if you have any queries. Her email address is
BCA on Facebook & Twitter!
Join the conversation! Open to members and non-members, it’s a great way to stay up-to-date with everything that’s happening in our community.
Guildford Community Lottery
A way for everyone to support local causes and be in with a chance to win prizes of up to £25,000. 50% of all tickets sold from our page go to the BCA!