Community Update – September & October 2024

To get in touch with the BCA: Contact the secretary on call 07513 366072 or visit the website at

We represent the community of Burpham, Guildford


New BCA team

The new officers elected at the June AGM are:

Chair: Sue Hackman

Vice chair: Andy Clapham

Treasurer: Sue Poole

Membership & communications: Liz Turner

Minutes & hospitality: Catherine Hughes

Technical advice: Jim Allen

With many thanks, the AGM said goodbye to our hard-working secretary, Liz Critchfield and remembered the hard work of Andy Clapham as he stood down as chair but remained on the group as Vice-Chair.

Improvements to the Nature Reserve

The Riverside Nature Reserve is due to get a £1m makeover to improve its boardwalks, seating, paths and fire safety.

A consultation in September will outline the changes and their implications. We are now looking for two or three volunteers among people who visit the reserve often to read this document on our behalf and suggest to us how we reply, particularly about how it might impact on residents.

Could you give a few hours to this? Please volunteer at

Sad news

We are sad to report the passing of Ian Creese who many of you will remember as a candidate in recent Burpham elections.

Memorably, he campaigned on the parade every Friday night. Ian was a marvellous, gentle and caring man who will be sadly missed by family and friends.

Noise from Slyfield

There has been a return of thudding noises in Slyfield as the sewage works are moved closer to Clay Lane.

This is the sound of concrete piles being driven into the ground to support the new buildings. The sounds we were hearing a few months ago were machines compacting the ground, a stage of work which is now complete. The new work won’t last long because the project has ceased night-time work and the piles will be completed by August.

The ground has been compacted and the tunnel which will connect the old and new site is almost ready for use, so soon the work will move on to construction of the new buildings. This will mean a slight increase in works traffic making its way in and out and the site to bring in building materials.

Conserving the natural world

Respond to The Nature Recovery Strategy that is being led by Surrey County Council.

They are hoping to establish your priorities for conserving local wildlife and the quality of green spaces. To find it online, look for Surrey Nature Recovery on the website commonplace:


Would you join our new Touchstone Group?

We would like to set up a group of approximately 25-35 residents to respond by email to substantial issues as they arise, to influence the BCA’s approach.

This might include, for example, specific proposals about the Gosden Hill development, the London Road works (if they materialise) or consultation questions about which we are asked our collective opinion. The workload would be no more than an hour every three months to respond with your opinions.

We would like this group to have a good balance across Burpham’s neighbourhoods and political spectrum, including men and women, and especially young people and maybe whole families.

Could you read and respond to specific questions? Please offer. We welcome non-members as well as members. Write to

Dutch round-about group

It looks possible that we will get some form of Dutch roundabout at the intersection of Parkway, London Road and Boxgrove Road.

The roundabout is intended to facilitate safer travel by foot and bicycle. We would like to form a very small group of 3-5 people to get their heads around the working of a Dutch roundabout and identify its benefits and downsides. We need a group of thoughtful motorists and cyclists to visit an actual working roundabout to see it in action, and then to write about its pros and cons to present to members.

Could you give some time to this? Please volunteer at

Can you help?

We are about to plan a series of free meetings in early spring to sample different activities and hobbies. Could you join a small organising group?

Volunteer at

BCA Summer Walks

This year’s series of free summer walks has been well attended.

A number of very interesting trips guided by local experts. We will be back with two more in September.

Help by joining the Burpham Community Association today!

Subscriptions are £8 per household or £4 per single occupancy and run from January to December. Join now or renew your membership for 2022.

You can pay by:
Direct Debit – visit our website at which has a link to this system – an email to giving your details would be helpful.

Account name: Burpham Community Association.
Sort Code: 40-22-26.
Account Number: 41049194

To help the Treasurer please identify yourself using initials, surname and the first line of your address.

Please contact Liz Turner, our Membership Secretary, if you have any queries. Her email address is

BCA on Facebook & Twitter!
Join the conversation! Open to members and non-members, it’s a great way to stay up-to-date with everything that’s happening in our community.

Guildford Community Lottery
A way for everyone to support local causes and be in with a chance to win prizes of up to £25,000. 50% of all tickets sold from our page go to the BCA!