Burpham Gardening Club News – September & October 2021
Written by John Boon (Burpham Gardening Club)
September & October 2021
The Autumn Winter season of talks will begin on Tuesday 26th of October at 7.30pm in the Village Hall when Nigel Choat will be showing a slide presentation on ‘Wey Side and Woodlands’.
Do not forget the Autumn Show is on Saturday 4th September at 10.00am. It is open to the public at 2.30pm.
Things to do in the garden in September.
- The evenings are now drawing in and Autumn is upon us so enjoy your garden whilst it is still at its peak.
- On dry sunny days seed from Annuals such as Alyssum, French Marigold and Tagetes can be collected for sowing next Spring, do not collect the seed of Fl Hybrids as the new plants will not be the same as the originals.
- Continue to deadhead the flower border so that it will stay in bloom until the first frost.
The evenings are now drawing in and autumn is upon us so enjoy your garden whilst it is still at its peak.
- To produce good blooms Dahlias need to be fed with a high potash liquid feed once a fortnight.
- Cuttings of Fuchsia and Pelargonium can still be taken.
- Keep Camellias and Rhododendrons well watered to ensure good bud formation for flowering next Spring.
- Evergreen Hedges should be given a final trim before Winter.
Apply an autumn dressing to the lawn when rain is forecast.
- Daffodils and Narcissi should be planted this month or next for a good Spring display.
- A late sowing of Spinach and Turnip can still be made. Overwintering Onion Sets and Spring Cabbage should be planted out.
- Cut out the fruited canes of Loganberry and Raspberry.
- Apply an Autumn Dressing to the Lawn when rain is forecast
Things to do in the garden in October.
- All tender plants and shrubs should be brought indoors at the first sign of frost and kept in a frost free place.
- Cut back and divide Herbaceous Perennials.
- Dahlias should be lifted and stored once they have been blackened by the frost.
- Reduce the height of Bush Roses to minimise root damage caused by wind rock during the winter months, Climbing Roses should be pruned with the remaining stems being tied to a wall or trellis.
Now is a good time to plant hedges, shrubs and trees.
- Tulip Bulbs should be ordered or purchased for planting next month, remember that the bigger the bulb the larger the flower, prepared hyacinths and Narcissi ‘Paperwhite’ should be planted in pots for a Christmas display, mixed colour Hyacinths will not all flower at the same time.
- Sweet Peas should be sown under glass at the end of the month.
- Now is a good time to plant Hedges, Shrubs and Trees.