Guildford Lions Club – Fundraising News

January 12, 2023| News + Events, Past Issues, Editorial

The Guildford Lions Club have announced the fantastic news that the 2022 Firework Fiesta made a record profit of £52,941.72p.

Photo by Dan Harrington

The Club has given “A big thank you to all the Lions, Supporters and Sponsors who made this possible” and continued “As agreed a donation of £15,000 has been made to the Prostate Project which still leaves the Club with nearly £38,000 to help other worthy causes. Initial discussions have started with potential sponsors for a 2023 Firework Fiesta and also key suppliers and contractors to enable us to produce a draft budget in January. At this stage we know several costs have increased and we have lost £7,500 of this year’s sponsorship so much work remains to be done if we are going to bring a viable proposition to the Club.”