Volunteers Needed in Phyllis Tuckwell Shops

September 15, 2024| Past Issues, Editorial

Phyllis Tuckwell’s vibrant retail team is in need of more volunteers, so if you’re looking for an interesting, fun and meaningful way to spend a few hours a week, this could be just the thing for you!

Local Hospice Care charity Phyllis Tuckwell has 17 shops across West Surrey and North-East Hampshire, which sell the quality second-hand items which its supporters so generously donate. The money that these shops raise helps to fund the vitally important supportive and end of life care that it provides for local patients and families who are living with an advanced or terminal illness, such as cancer or motor neurone disease.

As a retail volunteer, you will serve and chat with customers, use the till, take and sort through new donations, and price stock ready to be sold. You’ll meet new people every day and be part of a friendly and welcoming team, where your skills will be valued and utilised, and you’ll really feel that you’re making a difference to the local community.

“Our volunteers are so important to us, and bring so much to our team,” said Julia Morpeth, voluntary services manager at Phyllis Tuckwell. “They offer such a wealth of knowledge and experience to our organisation, and we are pleased to provide them with ongoing support and training to enable them to learn and develop within their role.”

You can volunteer in any Phyllis Tuckwell shop, but its College Town shop near Camberley is particularly in need of more volunteers at the moment, so if you were able to help out there, your support would be very much appreciated.

Every day, Phyllis Tuckwell supports over 250 patients, relatives and carers, through medical and nursing care, therapies, counselling, social work advice and practical support, but as the Government/NHS only cover 25% of its costs, it has to raise over £25,000 every single day to offer all of its services, which are given free of charge to its patients and their families. Its shops are really important in helping it raise this money, and you could be part of that fundraising!

If you’re interested in finding out more, please contact its Voluntary Services team on 01252 729400 or email voluntary.services@pth.org.uk

Contact us: 01252 309274