Keeping Going
Patience, Endurance & Perseverance
Frank Scammell, Vicar of Emmanuel Stoughton, discusses the longer term effect of the COVID crisis on the community and how we might be able to draw positives from the situation.
One of the problems with the COVID crisis is that it has dragged on for so long. We are all very aware of all the grief and distress that it has caused. Those who have been working on the front lines of our hospitals, surgeries and Care Homes must be exhausted but I sense that there is a general tiredness amongst us all.
There is fear, apprehension and uncertainty. We do not know when or if we will be able to return to anything we have taken for granted as normal.
When St Paul writes his letters in the New Testament three of his favourite words are Patience, Endurance and Perseverance. They are certainly as relevant for today as when he was writing.
Even amongst all the pressures that we have been facing there are still things that we can celebrate as positive outcomes from this crisis. Communities have been brought closer together. People have become more aware of each other’s needs. We have been able to express our thankfulness and respect for those whose costly service has made life possible for us. We have all seen how important it is to carry on a ministry of encouraging each other. We have learnt to discern what is really important.
Communities have been brought closer together. People have become more aware of each other’s needs. We have been able to express our thankfulness and respect for those whose costly service has made life possible for us.
The fact that the church buildings have been locked for a period has reminded us that the church is far more than a building. We have been forced to put our services on-line and have found that far more people in our community and indeed around the world have been able to engage with our worship. Sometimes it is quite difficult for people exploring a faith to enter through a church door. With our on-line services you can travel your spiritual journey at your own pace.
If there are ways that you feel the church community can be of help to you then please contact us: or call 01483 561603 or 560560.
Frank Scammell
Vicar of Emmanuel Stoughton