Let us remove the stress of those Chores and Challenges
Home Counties Carers has built a fantastic reputation for caring by listening to our clients and their families and offering services that meet their needs.
We are excited to offer a new service that we believe will help many local people live less stressful lives with greater joy.
My stepfather passed away prematurely at the age of 70 throwing my Mum’s life into turmoil. What struck me was the sheer amount of ‘Chores and Challenges’ that suddenly needed to be done by my Mum, adding to her stress and anxiety at a very difficult time.
Daily chores and challenges like managing bills, speaking to service providers; shopping and cooking; maintaining the house and garden all became a burden and at the same time Mum lost confidence driving and felt lonely, worrying about being a burden to family and friends.
If my Mum had someone local who she trusted, who was friendly, reliable and competent who she could rely on to help with the chores and challenges the burden would be less so easier to deal with.
We don’t believe my Mum is alone, which is why we are exploring the potential and demand for ‘Chores and Challenges’, a service for those who don’t know where to turn to get help.
Using the same successful model that makes our Care services Outstanding, our ambition is to provide local people with our friendly, reliable, trustworthy, and competent Team who will take care of all your Chores & Challenges, reducing the stress and enabling you to live your best life.
If you are interested in knowing more please call us and Lu or I will pop round to see you to find out where we can help. Call Matt on 07826 545 268

How we can help:
- Admin tasks Bills, paperwork, utilities even speaking with BT!
- House keeping Clean, tidy, sort and recycle.
- Trades Trust us to arrange and manage plumbers, electricians, TV and broadband.
- Days out Fun trips, experiences even a Nile cruise if you fancy it.
- Driving We’ll take you anywhere, well almost anywhere.
- Health Accompanied trips to doctors, hospital, physio, chiropody.
- Shopping Shop until you drop or let us push the trolley.
- Garden Hedges, lawns and leaves but we dread weeding.
- Handyman Light bulbs, dripping taps, handrails, even a splash of paint.
- Just being there Chit chat, laughter, listening without judgment.