Local councillors’ update: January & February 2025

Local councillors Jane Tyson and George Potter.

January & February 2025 update from local councillors George Potter and Jane Tyson.

Local councillors George Potter and Jane Tyson write their regular update for Burpham residents:

Speed limit reductions in Burpham and Merrow

After a long wait, a consultation on proposed speed limit reductions for some roads in Burpham and Merrow took place between 29th November 2024 and January 9th 2025! The consultation followed a speed limit review which was initiated last year by George, as your Surrey County Councillor, in response to community requests. View the plans here: www.surreysays.co.uk/environment-and-infrastructure/merrow-burpham-speed-limit-amendment

London Road crossing installed at Winterhill Way

We’re pleased to announce that a new signal pedestrian crossing has been installed on London Road near Winterhill Way (expected to be completed by time of going to press). This crossing will provide a safer route for residents, especially schoolchildren north of New Inn Lane, to access Sainsbury’s, the park, and the primary school. While there have been some teething problems with the design of the crossing, we are working with the county council to get these fixed.

Gosden Hill development update

Claire Upton-Brown, Director of Planning at Guildford Borough Council, met with residents at Burpham Village Hall in November to discuss the Gosden Hill development. The event, hosted by the Burpham Community Association, provided an opportunity for residents to share their views and concerns, especially around impacts on traffic, flooding and healthcare services. A planning application for the site isn’t expected until early 2025, but Claire Upton-Brown left the meeting with a better understanding of residents’ concerns and has pledged to have more meetings with residents as the application progresses.

London Road walking and cycling scheme

This is the final update on the scheme. The Surrey County Council Cabinet has voted not to go ahead with the revised scheme through Burpham. This decision was called in for review by a scrutiny committee, who found that the Cabinet’s reasons for rejecting the scheme weren’t backed up by evidence, and asked the Cabinet to reconsider their decision. However, when the Cabinet next met, the council leader announced they would not reconsider and moved on without discussion or a vote.

While some may welcome this decision, we believe it was a missed opportunity to deliver wider pavements, proper pedestrian crossings, and safe cycle lanes in our community. We will continue working for safer walking and cycling in Burpham and along the London Road.

Save the date: Burpham Village Fair

Burpham’s first village fair since lockdown will be held Saturday, 12th July, 12.30 to 3.30pm, to celebrate community groups, support local businesses, and enjoy a day of socialising and fun. More info: spacehive.com/burpham-village-fair

Burpham Community Hub

After many years the Burpham Community Hub officially took over management of the community hall in Sutherland Memorial Park in November, it is now available for hire by the public when not being used by the nursery. Booking enquiries can be made to: burphamcommunityhub@gmail.com

Bin collection calendar now online

The bin collection calendar for the year ahead is now available online: www.guildford.gov.uk/bincollectiondays Physical copies, funded and created by the Lib Dems, are also available so contact us if you’d like one! You can reach us at george.potter@guildford.gov.uk or jane.tyson@guildford.gov.uk

Thrifty wildflowers

Have you noticed the wildflowers starting to germinate? Ross from Surrey Wildlife Trust, Sue from Burpham Community Association, and Jane sowed them back in October at Thrifty’s as part of Jane’s vision to boost Burpham’s biodiversity. We can’t wait to see them in full bloom in 2025!

Drop in to see us!

oin us for our monthly drop-ins on the first Saturday of each month, 10am to 11.30am, at M & R Barber + Brew in the Kingspost shopping parade. Whether you have something to discuss or just fancy a chat over tea or coffee, we’d love to see you in 2025.

And keep an eye out for Jane in May 2025 wearing another hat – she has recently been chosen to be the next Deputy Mayor of Guildford!