London Road Active Travel Scheme

June 7, 2023| News + Events, Past Issues

London Road looking towards the A3 slip road from the roundabout with Clay Lane.

The first meeting of the ‘Burpham to Guildford Sustainable Travel Scheme – Stakeholder Reference Group (STRG)’ was held on March 27th. The meeting was chaired by Councillor Matt Furniss and facilitated by The Consultation Institute (a not-for-profit organisation who aim to spread good practice in engagement activities).

Surrey County Council representatives stated their wish for a fresh start and a constructive engagement process. They repeated that the scheme will not require lengthy closures and that the carriageway will mostly be wider than the 3 metres previously announced. They hope that a consensus in favour of the revised scheme will be achieved.

The purpose of the Stakeholder Reference Group is to ensure that stakeholder views are understood and properly considered during the engagement process. It will provide a forum for dialogue between Surrey County Council (SCC) and its stakeholders, at each key stage of the scheme.

Local councillors, residents associations and representatives of schools & students, cyclists, disabled people and businesses were invited to contribute to the design of the process.

It is proposed that the process will include a series of meetings, a public survey and two workshops looking at details of the proposed design and implementation plan.

Any documents provided to or generated by the group will be available before and after the meeting for wider stakeholders and individuals to access:

The BCA is contributing to this process through Guildford Residents Association (GRA) and London Road Action Group (LRAG).