Pilgrim Morris Men at the Anchor & Horseshoes

Dancing from 8.00pm onwards. Anchor & Horseshoes, 194 London Road, Burpham, Guildford Surrey GU1 1XR.
It has been several decades since Morris Men have appeared in Burpham. A great, traditional community event to attend. Visit www.pilgrimmorrismen.org.uk for more information.
Established in 1972, Pilgrim Morris of Guildford generally dance around Surrey and north-east Hampshire during the summer season. From time to time they will head off to other locations, mainly for tours, festivals and corporate events.
Pilgrim Morris always welcomes new members, so if you fancy giving it a go, contact them via www.pilgrimmorrismen.org.uk/contact-us/ or visit their Facebook page at www.facebook.com/pilgrimmorrisguildford. Being a Pilgrim is about more than just dancing: they normally have a music session after their pub gigs and the team has a strong social side. They also present the traditional Guildford Mummers Play on Twelfth Night (6th Jan) in the oldest pubs in Guildford town centre every year as well as hosting the annual Summerpole festival to welcome in the Summer.
See the events calendar at www.pilgrimmorrismen.org.uk/events-2023/ for details of where to see the team dancing.