September is the new January!

September 15, 2024| Past Issues

Christine Sciberras, Founder and Head Coach at Melita Fitness.

September is a good time for a fresh start. You’ll get back into a routine and maybe just maybe you’ll get to complete a thought-process without being asked for a snack! Am I right?

Yes, mums, this is our time to shine. And when I say shine, I mean sweat! September feels like a good time to make a new push into our health and fitness goals.

‘Back-to-school’ mindset.

It doesn’t matter how long it’s been since you left a classroom, September signals a fresh start. This mindset start can be incredibly motivating for setting and achieving new goals. Use this psychological boost to your advantage and set clear, attainable fitness objectives.

Fewer distractions.

Summer often brings a host of distractions: holidays, outdoor events and family gatherings. While September is about getting back into a routine and having a more predictable timetable. Use some of this time to prioritise your workouts and health.

Finish the year strong.

September brings with it an increased focus on tackling what needs to get done before the end of the year. There’s still a solid chunk of the year left, so it’s a perfect time to re-prioritise healthy habits and finish 2024 stronger than you started it.

Fine weather.

It’s still light and warm. Perfect motivation to get into good habits before winter inevitably comes around again.

Boost immunity before autumn and winter.

Regular exercise and a healthy diet are crucial for boosting your immune system, which is especially important as we head into flu season. With cold and flu season approaching, strengthening your immune system through exercise can help you stay well.

Get started!

There’s no better time than now to take that first step. Join our fitness group and make the most of September. We’re even launching some special beginner sessions designed just for you! Whether you’re returning to exercise or starting fresh, our supportive community and expert trainers will help you achieve your goals.

Check our website for details: