What does the word ‘normal’ mean?

November 1, 2020| Uncategorized

Many of us have been saying to ourselves ‘I wish that I could have my normal life back again.’ I think that we can all identify with that feeling as we are many months into this virus crisis.

We want to be able to shake hands, embrace and hug our family and friends. We want to get back to our usual life rhythms without all of the fear and anxiety. It may be being able to visit our relatives in Care Homes as we used to do or being able to watch live sports events in person again.

It all made me think about what sort of person I was before all of this began. How am I coping now and what sort of person do I want to be like when all of this is over?

Hopefully we have all learnt to be more caring, more considerate, more aware of the needs of others as well as ourselves. We have been reminded of how precious life is, how important our friends and family are. We have come to value more those who serve us in the community, often at great cost, especially those on the front line of the Health Service. We are less likely now to take them all for granted.

Just as we have grown closer to people despite our isolation so I hope also that we have grown closer to God. Perhaps we have begun to ask spiritual questions even if it is just…

“ ..what sort of person was I before all of this began. How am I coping now and what sort of person do I want to be like when all of this is over?”

‘Why is this all happening?’ Other questions come to mind… ‘Who am I?’ and ‘What is really valuable in my life?’ Or perhaps ‘How can I begin to pray?’ and ‘How can I be more thankful and learn to celebrate all that is good in God’s creation?’

Hopefully we find ourselves wanting to come out of this crisis not exactly as we were before. I hope that we will be deeper people having grown through this time of vulnerability now more ready to face future challenges when they come as they surely will. I long for the normal to return but pray that we will be changed people in a changed world and it will be for the better.

If there are ways that you feel the church community can be of help to you then please contact us:

www.emmanuelchurch.co.uk or call 01483 561603 or 560560.

Frank Scammell
Vicar of Emmanuel Stoughton

Church Office: 01483 561603