Who is an inspiration to you today?
I wonder who is an inspiration to you today? Who or what are you most tightly linked to? Is there someone who leads you on and encourages you, whatever life may bring?
When I was a teenager, we had a corgi dog called Taffy. Unlike most corgis he was quite lean and tough and although he was quite a little dog, to be honest, I think he thought he was an Alsatian! He definitely had delusions of grandeur. Although, one summer we holidayed in Scotland, visiting Balmoral Castle, the summer residence of the Queen; and I can’t tell you how many people stopped and asked me if my dog was one of the Queen’s corgis! Obviously not all corgis belong to the Queen – but for many people the two things are very tightly linked. Perhaps Taffy was right to have a high impression of himself!
Our choice of a corgi was not actually influenced by the Queen – but as we approach the Queen’s Platinum anniversary celebrations, it is a good moment to reflect on the influence our Queen has had on this country over the last 70 years. Irrespective of our views on monarchy, we can’t fail to be inspired by Queen Elizabeth’s selfless devotion and commitment to do the best she can for the people of the UK and the wider Commonwealth.
And although the Queen is tightly linked to both her dogs and horses, she is clear that it is Jesus who has been the biggest influencer in her life, enabling her to be the person she is. As she said in her Christmas message 2014: “For me, the life of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, [whose birth we celebrate today], is an inspiration and an anchor in my life. A role model of reconciliation and forgiveness, he stretched out his hands in love, acceptance and healing. Christ’s example has taught me to seek to respect and value all people of whatever faith or none.”
I wonder who is an inspiration to you today? Who or what are you most tightly linked to? Is there someone who leads you on and encourages you, whatever life may bring? As we approach the Jubilee celebrations, is it a good moment to reflect on what and who influences us the most? If you are interested in discovering more about the person of Jesus Christ who has been such an influence in our Queen’s life, do get in contact (jo@burphamchurch.org.uk) and we can invite you along to the course we will be running in May and June. You never know, you might just meet the biggest influencer the world has ever known!
With every blessing
Rev’d James & Jo Levasier